Saturday, July 17, 2010

Syros Island

I feel compelled to share some pictures of Syros, because although it was a short rendezvous, it was so beautiful. We were only there for two ferry change overs and a delicious, “dream about” dinner on a terrace over looking the sea with John and Candy. The pictures are of St Nicholas Church (on whose steps we slept our first few hours in Syros), the restaurant where we had the fantastic farewell dinner before heading off to Patmos and a few pictures of the town. The feel of the town is so different, it feels a bit more local and unexplored, the buildings are a bit derelict here and there, but in a quiet interesting way. The light on the town is perfect, all the buildings are off white (pastel peach and cream) and divided by narrow cobbled, stone streets, bougainvilleas splash some colour here and there, with the early morning fruit markets taking care of the rest. It was awesome and there are a couple of places Hilgard was itching to buy and revamp while he learnt to speak and write Greek.

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