Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Egirdir to Cappadocia

Fairy Chimneys

Underground City

Jana's keen eye for people

Last awesome breakfast in Egirdir

Our time at the tranquil, beautiful Ergirdir lake had run out and it was time to move on to Cappadocia. Yet, before we left that evening to Cappadocia we managed to fit in a visit to Yalvac (a city to the north of the lake) – this used to be the Roman city of Antioch, the capital of Galatia. Quite a remarkable place, but most of it is still unexcavated. We returned in time for our bus, and just before day-break arrived in the small town of Goreme, in the heart of Cappadocia. This amazing place is well known for it’s “fairy-chimneys” – volcanic rocks that have been eroded into these amazing shapes AND to top it, house cut into the rock!!
Here we met up with my father, mother and brother who’ve come to join us for 2 weeks of our travels.
Today we visited an ancient underground city and also just took in more of the breath-taking landscape.
PS!! I know this is a very short blog, but we’ll fill you in on the details in due time.

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