Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hi everyone!! I realize our updates have been a bit irregular becuase our parents keep asking if we have enough money, sleeping warm enough and finding things to eat?

YES, we are doing well thank you... Greece is very hot so please don't worry about us sleeping cold :) But all jokes aside, we're still doing well and enjoying our time in Greece a lot. It is incredibly beautiful!

Since our last update we've had to say goodbye to John and Candy (quite sad!!) and have made our way to Patmos. We arrived here in the middle of the night and had prepared ourselves for a long walk to our campsite but the owner was there with his little van and picked us up!! (At 02:00) We just rolled out our little mats and slept under the stars last night.

This morning after we both turned out to still be a bit grumples we walked down to the beach for a nap next to the beautiful blue waters. We rented another scooter this afternoon - The Pink Lady and she took us up to the cave where John wrote revelations and also to the beautiful monestry in the hill - with incredible painted murals, some dating back to the 11th century!!

We've decided to stay on here in Patmos until Sunday - it is quiet and peaceful and we need a bit of rest.

Jana's just reminded me to pls send you all her love - the two of us are a bit home-sick today. We miss you guys!!


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