Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thames Walk

I think we are slowly settling into this traveling thing - but at times it still feels absolutely surreal: As we exited the underground at the base of Big Ben and you see all the building portrayed in so many pictures and movies, you just cannot quite make it feel real!
Today we followed all the hundreds of other tourists down the river Thames from Westminster towards the Millennium bridge. The London Aquarium (thanks to Rachael's complimentary tickets) was very special, but not quite the same as the Two Oceans in Cape Town.

If it hadn't been for the free tickets i wouldn't have gone to see the London Eye, but what an experience it's been! I nearly want to quote one of those brochures, but it is true, the views of the London skyline is unmatched and spectacular!!

Using a little of Jen & Garry's parting gift we savoured a cup of coffee next to the river by the Tate Modern. From there we crossed the elegant Millennium bridge and walked up to the magnificent St Paul's cathedral.

To bring this day to an end we enjoyed home-made sushi with Rachael and Di, chatting away about work, life, travel and everything in-between.


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