Sunday, June 13, 2010

Finally here

We're finally here!! After what has felt like days of travelling we finally arrived in the UK. Yesterday we managed to survive giant airports, train stations and very (un)friendly passport control!! But thanks to Racheal's amazing directions and tips it all went down without a hitch and we met up with her at the Collier's Wood Tup (the local pub). A home-cooked meal later the two of us passed out for some much needed sleep.

Today Racheal took us around showing us a little city farm, with "moo-cows", beautiful veggie gardens and lots of fuzzy animals. A really special place within the city!

Lunch time we spent at the Merton Abby Mill - an open air market with lots of little cool shops to explore. Wonderful spicy Thai food for lunch and a quick stop-over at the Collier's Wood Tup before we headed for home again.

Just to make us realize that SA isn't all that bad -as we were leaving Tesco's some of the staff took of at speed chasing a shoplifter down the street... Guess we're not alone with problems like that!!


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