Monday, June 21, 2010

Rugby to Chester

We finally had to leave "the nest" (a.k.a. Rachael's lounge) and start heading up north. We took the high speed train to Rugby where an ex-patient of Jana stays. Jeff & Susan spend 8 months in the UK and 4 months in SA. They're farmers just outside the town, farming wheat, canola and potatoes. Incredible to see a farming set-up where a few hands manage a farm. SO different to SA!!

Very kindly they offered to drive us up all the way to Chester to come and visit Angie and Jason and Callum. Angie and her brother Kevin used to be Jana's neighbours back in Windhoek all those years ago!!

For me this trip has been an amazing opportunity to meet all the people who influenced and shaped Jana's life.

Was wonderful to hear all the stories last night and build on friendships for the future.

Today we're off to Manchester...


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