Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today was a very special day. We travelled along the length of Mull to a small island off its western tip called Iona. On this island, MANY years ago (aprox 780AD) an Irish monk (sounds a bit strange, I know) St Columba - established a monastery and through it helped spread Christianity through Scotland and a large part of Europe.

They survived Viking raids and the Book of Kells was also written here.

To this day many make a pilgrimage to this special site. The whole area feels so peaceful and is absolutely beautiful!! Ancient monastery, ruins, giant stone crosses, white sandy beaches...and giant woolly sheep.

Friday, June 25, 2010


We’ve fallen in love with the Isle of Mull. It’s so beautiful here, peaceful and quiet, but I’m getting ahead of myself!

Yesterday we explored the beautiful little seaside town of Oban. I took a tour through the Oban distillery (open since 1974!!) to learn more about whiskey, while Jana sketched in their home made chocolate shop. There after we spent some of the pounds my parent gave us and enjoyed the most delicious fish and chips on a bench next to the harbour. Late afternoon we caught the ferry to Mull, pitched our tent and survived the first wave of midges.

Today we bussed north towards the picturesque village of Tobermory. Brightly coloured houses next to a harbour in a beautiful bay. We walked around the whole day taking in the beauty off it all.

Tomorrow we hope to visit the Island of Iona. I’ll keep you updated :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Last Light over Oban


Finally we're sitting here in Oban, in a cozy lounge with rain falling in the streets outside. What a journey its been the last couple of days! Meeting friends & family of Jana that I've only heard about or seen in photos! After Chester we caught the train in to Manchester where Liz picked us up from the station with just enough time to see the last bit of the SA - France match.
Simon & Liz treated us to a braai in their garden with a little fox jealously peering over the fence and their cute daughter Abigail entertained us throughout.
On his way to work Simon dropped us at the Manchester airport where we started our bus journey... through the lake district to Glasgow. Changed buses and headed even further north all along the shores of Loch Lomond - BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL. 50minutes after changing buses again we finally reached the beautiful seaside town of Oban.
10 hours on the bus, but sooooooooooooo beautiful all the way.
Tomorrow we hope to explore the town of Oban and then off to Mull tomorrow afternoon for a couple of days.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

J - nostalgia

what an awesome grounding trip this has been, back to the roots :)
it's been such a blessing to spend time with people you love, but haven't seen or had a chance to connect with for years and years.
Rachel, Karen, Gwen, Angie, Jenny, soon to be Simon & Liz, George even John-John and Candy in Greece - it feels a little like a pilgrimage.... he he.... down memory lane.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Rugby to Chester

We finally had to leave "the nest" (a.k.a. Rachael's lounge) and start heading up north. We took the high speed train to Rugby where an ex-patient of Jana stays. Jeff & Susan spend 8 months in the UK and 4 months in SA. They're farmers just outside the town, farming wheat, canola and potatoes. Incredible to see a farming set-up where a few hands manage a farm. SO different to SA!!

Very kindly they offered to drive us up all the way to Chester to come and visit Angie and Jason and Callum. Angie and her brother Kevin used to be Jana's neighbours back in Windhoek all those years ago!!

For me this trip has been an amazing opportunity to meet all the people who influenced and shaped Jana's life.

Was wonderful to hear all the stories last night and build on friendships for the future.

Today we're off to Manchester...


Sunday, June 20, 2010


After a calm - slow start to the day we headed out to St Martin in the field (a church) where we met up with Gwen (Jana's aunt) for coffee and cake in the crypt.

Thereafter up to Camden (an experience in its own) to see Jonny Clegg preform. Opening for him was Arno Carstens - a cool bonus. In true Jonny style he kept us entertained for over two hours - jumping around like a young man. Crazy to think he's been doing it for 30years this year!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tate & Borough Market

After a "rest day" on Thursday we were ready to hit the city of London again. Rachael had told us of a cool little market to visit close to the Tate, called Borough Market.

We left the Underground at London Bridge station and quickly spotted the market - situated next to a cathedral and half under the railway bridge it makes it quite unique to say the least. Only open on Friday & the weekends, makes it a very popular spot. Little stalls / shops selling anything and everything, beautifully presented and with free tasters!! We hunted around for a while, bought some smoked pepper powder... and then set off for the Tate vowing to return for lunch.

My first visit to the Tate modern was an incredible experience - housed in an old power station, the exhibition halls are huge with wide open spaces. Incredible to see world renowned works close up with all the delicate brush strokes. Have to admit, some things in the Tate Modern is just a bit weird though

Back at Borough Market we had lunch and ended it all down with a Baileys - chocolate - cheese cake!!

We ended the night with a true braai at home, pap included!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Long day

Today was a long, tiring and expensive day, but we're home safely and i guess that is all that truly matter in the end? I'll tell you about it some othertime though...i need sleep.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thames Walk

I think we are slowly settling into this traveling thing - but at times it still feels absolutely surreal: As we exited the underground at the base of Big Ben and you see all the building portrayed in so many pictures and movies, you just cannot quite make it feel real!
Today we followed all the hundreds of other tourists down the river Thames from Westminster towards the Millennium bridge. The London Aquarium (thanks to Rachael's complimentary tickets) was very special, but not quite the same as the Two Oceans in Cape Town.

If it hadn't been for the free tickets i wouldn't have gone to see the London Eye, but what an experience it's been! I nearly want to quote one of those brochures, but it is true, the views of the London skyline is unmatched and spectacular!!

Using a little of Jen & Garry's parting gift we savoured a cup of coffee next to the river by the Tate Modern. From there we crossed the elegant Millennium bridge and walked up to the magnificent St Paul's cathedral.

To bring this day to an end we enjoyed home-made sushi with Rachael and Di, chatting away about work, life, travel and everything in-between.


Poems on the tube

Yesterday on the tube / stations - really inspiring to see books advertised in the same way we would advertise movies / cars!! Also little poems put up on the tube, can check it out at Awesome to see all the culture... Poem for the day:

Lines from Endymion
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loviliness increases;
it will never
Pass into nothingness;
but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondance, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o`er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, inspite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.

John Keats (1795 - 1821)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Natural History Museum

This morning led us to the Natual History Museum. Situated in a magnificent building near Kensington Gardens it houses amazing exhibits of... well... natural history :)

We strolled through the amazing dinosour exhibition and also a fascinating section on the way nature shapes our world. There are also amazing glimpses into the world behind the scenes - in one section there is 7 floors, with 22km of shelving and 22 MILLION animals preserved in alcohol!!

It was an amazing glimpse into a totally different world - and it was also wonderful to experience this amazing place for free!!

But reading a whole lot of little sighns... is tiring to say the least!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Finally here

We're finally here!! After what has felt like days of travelling we finally arrived in the UK. Yesterday we managed to survive giant airports, train stations and very (un)friendly passport control!! But thanks to Racheal's amazing directions and tips it all went down without a hitch and we met up with her at the Collier's Wood Tup (the local pub). A home-cooked meal later the two of us passed out for some much needed sleep.

Today Racheal took us around showing us a little city farm, with "moo-cows", beautiful veggie gardens and lots of fuzzy animals. A really special place within the city!

Lunch time we spent at the Merton Abby Mill - an open air market with lots of little cool shops to explore. Wonderful spicy Thai food for lunch and a quick stop-over at the Collier's Wood Tup before we headed for home again.

Just to make us realize that SA isn't all that bad -as we were leaving Tesco's some of the staff took of at speed chasing a shoplifter down the street... Guess we're not alone with problems like that!!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Dubai International Airport

It is 02:00 in the morning and we are sitting here in Dubai. Jana's asleep on my shoulder and i'm staring at the weird scene before me - we are basically sitting in a huge mall with LOTS and LOTS of shiny things all around us. At other airports and other places this would be a quiet time, a dead time, but here, people are milling about, every single shop is open (and busy), and did i mention all the shiny things??
The fact that i cannot get over all the shiny things just make me realize how rural our lives had been the last 18 months...

Anyway, just have to survive the airport until 08:00, then we hop on the next flight... This time to our final destination!! So excited. Still doesn't feel real though!!

Kick off!!

The time has finally come!! Bags not only packed but checked in!! We've passed through passport control and we're patiently waiting for our flight. Somehow this just doesn't feel real? We are going traveling for TWO whole months. Two whole months!!

But first the flight from SA to Dubai, 8 hour lay-over, then finally to London!! And loads of movies to watch on the plane!!

I think this momentous moment calls for a cup of coffee... H

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

J - thoughts on blogging

I'm hesitant about this blogging idea, it seems to carry a narcisistic undertone to everyday life. But this morning it dawned on me, much like writing a book - this is just out there. At least it's not imposing and perhaps the majority of our friends would prefer the opportunity to skim through the events of our travel experience rather than be forced to sit through a six hour long photo presentation with addedd commentary in 6 months time. (especially if my sentences were to be that long without pause). And yes this sounds like a justification to oogle in the events of our own lives - because it is ..... and it's Sooooooooooooo exciting.

Time is running out

Less than two days from now the ref would be blowing the whistle for the first game of the FIFA world cup in Soccer City and only a few kilometers away the wheels of our airplane carrying us to the UK would be leaving the ground...